What is it
Biosphere Reserve?
It is a territory internationally recognized by UNESCO's Program on Man and the Biosphere (MaB), whose objective is the conservation of biological and cultural diversity with economic and social development, through the relationship in harmony between people and the nature.
The Biosphere Reserve is an ecologically representative zone, of unique value, composed of terrestrial, marine or coastal ecosystems, in which the integration of the human population and its activities with conservation are essential.
What functions do the Biosphere Reserves fulfill ?
Conservation of biodiversity and ecosystems.
Productive development of populations in harmony with their natural environment.
Support for research, training and communication.
Ecuador has 7 Biosphere Reserves
1. Chocó Andino de Pichincha
2. Galapagos
3. Yasuní
4. Podocarpus - The Condor
5. Sumaco - Napo - Galeras
6. Solid Boxes
7. Dry Forest of Ecuador

It is located in the west and north-west of the province of Pichincha, in part of the cantons of Quito, San Miguel de los Bancos and Pedro Vicente Maldonado. It occupies an area of 2868.97 km2, which represents approximately 30% of the total area of the province, and includes the parishes: LLoa, Nono, Pomasqui, San Antonio de Pichincha, Calacalí, San José de Minas, Nanegalito, Nanegal, Gualea, Pacto and Mindo. It has a height that varies from 500 to 4784 meters above sea level.

Why is the Chocó Andino de Pichincha Biosphere Reserve important?
Because it is a lung of the planet and source of life. The Biosphere Reserve is considered a Hot Spot of the Tropical Andes, that is, it is a site of high biodiversity.
In the Chocó Andino de Pichincha Biosphere Reserve there are the following protection systems:
• Pululahua Geobotanical Reserve
• Chocó Andino Model Forest
• 4 IBAS (Important Bird And Biodiversity Areas)
1 EC040 Caoní River
2 EC041 The Banks - Milpe
3 EC042 Maquipucuna - RIío Guayllabamba
4 EC043 Mindo - Western Foothills of Pichincha
• Andean Bear Ecological Corridor
• More than 35 reserves, private forests and protective forests
• 4 different types of climates
The Biosphere Reserve comprises these management zones
• Several core areas, whose main function is conservation.
• Several buffer zones that buffer the effects of actions
human over the core areas.
• Several transition zones where activities are promoted
sustainable economic development to favor the socio-economic development of local populations.

The ecosystem services that the Biosphere Reserve provides to cities such as Quito, San Miguel de los Bancos and Pedro Vicente Maldonado, guarantee the habitat and life of the province, as they are a source of drinking water, water for productive irrigation and water for generation of electrical energy. Each hectare of forest in the Biosphere Reserve is capable of absorbing up to 250 tons of carbon, renewing the air we breathe.
The Chocó Andino de Pichincha Biosphere Reserve is the pantry of millions of Pichincha inhabitants. It is an area where tropical fruits, dairy, sugarcane and its derivatives, cocoa, export coffee, orchids, bromeliads, tilapia, hearts of palm are produced, among other products. The area represents the fastest growing area in the production of specialty coffee for export in the country.
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